121 North Fifth Street West Riverton, WY 82501


856-2028 OR 851-6292

July 2, 2013 the Department of Labor posted on FBO.GOV an announcement of the Award of Bid for the Wind River Job Corp Center. The Contract award date was June 28, 2013 to Rafter H Construction, LLC of Rexburg Idaho in the amount of $41,303,762. The proposed Wind River Job Corp will be built on property at 4200 Airport Road on City of Riverton property leased to the Department of Labor. The Wind River Job Corp Center consists of 7 building which have a total of approximately 162,000 gross square feet and consists of a Welcome Center, Administrative/Wellness/Student Service Buildings, Educational/Vocational Building, a Cafeteria/Warehouse Building, a Recreation Center and two 2-story dormitories The work shall also include major site improvements in the form of clearing, grading general landscaping roads, parking, drainage, connection to all utility lines, installation of geothermal wells and site/security lighting for the new buildings. The City of Riverton has utilized a Wyoming Business Council Grant to install water and sewer infrastructure for the site and plans to complete improvements to Airport Road from U.S. Highway 26 (West Main) to the entrance of the Center. Fremont County BOCES has partnered with the city of Riverton, the Arapaho Tribe, Shoshone Tribe, Fremont County Commissioners and numerous Energy Industry partners to help bring the project to reality. U.S. Senator Mike Enzi has been instrumental in bringing the project forward. The Wind River Job Corp Center will be the first Job Corp facility in the State of Wyoming which was the only state without a Job Corp in the nation until this time. The Center is expected to employ approximately 100 full time staff in its mission of providing job and life skill training to young adults in areas of energy production, CDL driving, heavy equipment mechanics, welding and health technologies careers. Students will be between 17 and 24 years of age and the student population is expected to be approximately 300 at any given time.

Fremont County BOCES and our partners have been working on this project since 2006. It represents the hard work and perseverance of everyone involved to bring it to fruition. We expect that it will dramatically change the economic climate in Riverton as well as the lives of countless young people that will gain the skills and abilities to gain employment and careers. We also expect that it will help fill a need for skilled workers for the energy industry and health care industry in Wyoming and the region. The skills and abilities that the students will gain at Wind River Job Corp Center will translate into stable careers and help transition the young adults into productive members of the workforce and community.”

A pre-construction meeting, partnering meeting and ceremonial ground breaking will be scheduled in the near future and coordinated with the Department of Labor, National Job Corp Office, congressional delegation, project partners and City staff.

Solicitation Number:

Notice Type:
Award Notice

Contract Award Date:
June 28, 2013

Contract Award Number:

Contract Award Dollar Amount:

Contractor Awarded Name:
Rafter H Construction, LLC

Contractor Awarded DUNS:

Contractor Awarded Address:
207 Georgetown Drive
Rexburg, Idaho 83440-5274
United States

Contracting Office Address:
200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-4649
Washington, District of Columbia 20210
United States

Place of Performance:
4200 Airport Road
Riverton, Wyoming 82501
United States