NEWS For immediate release
Fremont County BOCES
Contact: Sandy Barton (856-2028)
(Riverton, Wyo.) – A student-built duplex in Riverton has earned the distinction of being the first student-built LEED Certified building in the state, and it’s the first LEED Certified residential structure in Riverton. The duplex was built over a two-year-long span by students in the Fremont County BOCES Green Construction Academy.
LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. LEED Certification means the house was constructed to save on energy and water costs and to provide a healthier indoor living environment. Non toxic carpets, paints and finishes were used where possible, and outside air is filtered. Other benefits include added value to the home over non-certified dwellings and that fact that to obtain a LEED certification, over 18 mandatory measures must’ve been met.
Sustainable, recycled, reclaimed and locally produced building materials were used in the construction with very little waste. The home is well insulated, features highly efficient water fixtures and fittings, and EnergyStar appliances and fixtures.
A LEED recognition will be presented on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 beginning at 11:30 am at 409 South Broadway Avenue, Riverton, WY.