121 North Fifth Street West Riverton, WY 82501

Conoco/Phillips supports FC BOCES programs with cash donation

News for immediate release
Contact: Sandy Barton, (307) 856-2028

(RIVERTON) – One of the major partners of Fremont County Board of Cooperative Education Services is Conoco/Phillips, which recently made a $10,000 donation to the Riverton-based education cooperative.

“Conoco/Phillips is an ongoing partner with our Energy Exploration curriculum,” said FC BOCES Career and Technical Director Larry Christensen. “They have supported the program since its inception by providing OSHA Certified Safety Trainers, they have opened up their local facilities for class field trips, and they made a significant contribution when they upgraded our prime training classroom with technology and other enhancements.”

In presenting the donation at a ceremony inside the updgraded lecture hall, the “round room” at the School District 25 hilltop facility in Riverton, local Conoco/Phillips manager Greg Ashdown said the donation was in keeping with the company’s support of local education initiatives.

Now in its third year, the Energy Exploration course will be expanding to all high schools in Fremont and Hot Springs counties this coming fall, with the exception of Dubois, Christensen said.

FC BOCES Executive Director Sandy Barton said the contributions from Conoco/Phillips, and other energy industry partners, “provides local students with a wide range of energy industry career options.” Barton said students in the program learn about such topics as geology to exploration, from production to reclamation, and from contracting to environmental, to mention a few. Students who successfully complete the class also earn an OSHA Safety Certification card.