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The Right Way to Discipline
Started on December 9, 2022
The Right Way to Discipline
This course provides teachers with ways to discipline students so as to not escalate the situation. A comparison of discipline strategies will be discussed and reviewed. Students will learn practical steps on how to diffuse difficult discipline situations in the classroom.
This course helps students learn about the differences of the teenage brain. The course deals with how the brain develops; how the teenage brain learns differently; that teens are ruled by emotion more than logic; and how a teenage brain deals with stress. Students will also learn about effective test-taking and study strategies to help the teenage brain.
This course helps understand why developing classroom rules together can benefit everyone. They will learn various strategies to use with themselves as they deal with difficult students. Participants will understand what appropriate consequences are for certain behaviors and what are not.
This course is designed to provide teachers with the three key components to becoming an effective teacher which are positive expectations, classroom management and lesson mastery.
This course is designed to provide teachers with a plan for starting the school year off right. Participants will learn what is needed at the beginning of the year to maximize learning in their classrooms throughout the school year.
This course teaches individuals how to become an effective substitute through mastering how to manage classroom behavior and deliver instruction effectively.
This course offers the real reality of how memory is effected as it relates to media. Participants will understand that media effects our ability to think abstractly
This course will demonstrate instructional method that engages students in the learning process. Participants will learn the variety of different learning styles